Metabolic - Phase 1 Female00This phase will be taking global fatigue to a whole new level. Rather than tax specific muscles to the point of failure, we're going to focus more on your aerobic system and your body's ability to buffer things like lactic acid from the cells. Due to set combinations (supersets and tri-sets) being utilized more heavily in this phase than the last, take a moment to gauge weight (load) selection before starting your working sets.
*Pay attention to rest periods*
Rest periods are going to be the main driver of the progressive stimulus in this phase. This is a training phase that keeps you focused throughout your sessions and demands you to work through high levels of fatigue.
Progressions in this phase will mainly come from an increase in density throughout the weeks (more work in less time by reducing rest periods as we go). Week 2 and 4 the progressions are going to be made via weight (load) used if possible.
Exercise selection in this phase has been chosen specifically to put ourselves in safe and effective movements that allow us to push fatigue while staying safe.